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Roleplay Title:The Devil is in the Details
Accomplishments: MPW Television Champion (x1)
Next Match:Singles Match Vs. Trey Baxter
Monday Night Main Event
August 26, 2012

I love it when people think I can be intimidated by some fancy pretty words...although in Trey Baxter's case, they weren't fancy or pretty...but I'm sure he thought they were impressive. For a guy that was crowned World Champ he certainly is lacking that certain something that makes a person well liked. Not that I'm someone that needs the fan approval but the man has the charisma of a dead cat. I know that I'm not exactly LOVED by the people at MPW but do I care? Not at all. This isn't about being liked, this isn't about getting in front of a camera and repeating myself countless times, trying to get a point across that no one is going to believe and in this case....that point is that Trey Baxter thinks he owns this company.

He says that the only reason people know who I am is that because I got a shot on him and I was able to dig up some info on him that he wished had stayed buried. Please. I don't need anyone to pump me up. When I do the things I's because I want to. NO-ONE makes me look better, I do that all on my own son so maybe you need to take a look in the mirror and wonder maybe it's me that makes you look better? Who would Batman be without the joker? He'd have nothing to fight for without a nemesis. Not that I think I'm his nemesis because frankly I'm not going after the world title right now. There are way too many hands in that honey pot but still. All I can smell when he does a promo, besides the smell of fear, is that he's insecure that someone supposedly 'low card' is going to take that piece of gold away from him.

He can go and degrade the TV or North American Title all he wants but in the end, these titles do not mean any less then his World belt. I'm not usually someone that goes on and pumps up the other supposedly 'low card' members of the roster cuz really I don't give a fuck about anybody but me and my family, however without these low card guys, Baxter would still be a druggy on the streets fighting for his next hit. You have to fight the lower guys to get to the top and I recognize this. Maybe it's just that Baxter has no respect for anyone, not even himself. I may be an arrogant asshole but I at least know that half this roster is meant to be here. I also know what I am and I don't deny it.

He says that my acts 2 weeks ago were 'cowardly' what's your point? Was that supposed to hurt my feelings? It's sad that I know more about him then he knows about me or himself. He's too cocky right now because of the fact that I hold the lowest level belt in this company. That Cockiness is going to get him eating the mat. I know my own skills. so what, he thinks he's big shit because he beat Blaze. Is that supposed to scare me or something? All I said was that i got an advantage over him. He also thinks it's a joke that right now Fisherman thinks he's better than me...the champion...well you know what...he's not the only one that wants a piece of me....aren't you yourself no better than him since your the one that was so looking forward to 'teaching me a lesson'. God your repertoire is getting old. Kind of like your career.


I'm making dinner in the kitchen when I hear a knock at the door. I double check that nothing is going to over boil before running for the door and checking the peephole and I couldn't help the wide smile that spreads across my face. I open the door and shake my head in amazement.

" what you doing here?"

My younger brother, Jacob is standing on the other side of the threshold, holding the same kind of duffle bag that I used to use when I went on my 'trips'. He shrugs. I step back and wordlessly offer him a chance to come in.

"I was coming through town and thought I'd visit all three of you for a bit...hope I'm not over don't have a chick in here do you?"

I laugh. Jake knew me too well.

"No, not right now. I was just making some dinner. I'm sorry you'll have to take the couch tonight but it's still better than a hotel...."

Jake shrugs.

"I've slept on worse...but I actually have my own hotel room. I'm here for a business meeting."

Jake was some hot shot architect. He usually lived in the Bahamas with his girlfriend but often had to travel.

"How's Lisa?"

"Ask her. We broke up last week."

I smirk. Jacob tried relationships and they never ended up lasting more than a couple months at most. He was determined to not be like me and Bliss....but deep down he wasn't a guy that wanted only one girl for the rest of his life.


"She said..."

I cut him off. Not that I didn't love my brother, I wasn't a 'cry on my shoulder' kind of guy.

"Listen, you can save that crap for Kahlan. You know I'm not the right person to give you any sympathy. This is why I don't get into relationships. I hate strings."

Except with certain long legged Blondes...even if that certain blonde didn't want me.

Jake looked a little disappointed but he knew I was right.

"Well anyway, I came here before checking into the hotel. Nice place." He looked around from his spot in the foyer.

"Come on, I'll show you around a bit, but first I have to check on the food."


I took Jake out for a drink and then I pointed out a few chicks in the bar to try and get his mind of this Lisa chick that I had never met. he wasn't in a one night stand mood and I shook my head at him constantly.

"Seems that you and Kah are doing well here." Jake said. He took a sip of his beer.

"I may not be Dad's biggest fan but I do follow the values he taught me about proving myself by working my way up. The TV title may not be the best title in this place but it's only temporary."

"It's still a title and it's more than most of the roster has." Jake commented.

"I try and look at it that way. I know that I am the best hidden talent in this place, even if the supposed high card guys don't' recognize it. Some have even gone as far as to say I'm biting their style or living off their glory. Because of that I'm just going to work that much harder. I have friends in high places bro and that's the last step to making it around here."

How did Blissy end up with a shot at the North American anyway?"

"What can I say Jake...she's got the drive to do good. Although she thinks she's too good to go for the TV title. That might end up being her downfall however...she wants her re-match with Caine. I wanna see her beat that clown's ass."

Jake laughed.

"Would you really beat up our sister for the NA?"

I had to think about it. Yes...I had said before that I would treat her like any other opponent in this place if I faced her for the NA title, but until that actually became a reality it was a hard question to answer. Bliss and I weren't friends by a long shot. Our loyalty stopped at having similar DNA...but I would never disrespect her by refusing to face her...that was worse than everything I did to her growing up. Mind you I was no where as bad as Jeremy had been but I had been involved in his plans too many times. We had the rest of our lives to work on our sibling issues.

"You make it sound so animalistic. It's not beating up our sister, it's facing her for it. It's just like any other competition. Sometimes you have to 'beat' the ones close to you. If I refused to face her it would be almost as bad as following her around and making sure no guy touched her. So yes, I would not turn down a match to face her for the NA title, should she win it herself."

Jake took a deep sigh. He was close to Bliss. They were probably the closest two siblings out of all of us. I was pretty close to Pete but he was still in NYC and married to a beautiful, abet bubbly woman.

"Well I guess that's the price you pay for being in the same company as her."

There were a few minutes of silence. He wasn't a forthcoming as Pete was with his opinion or advice. He preferred to stay out of the sibling squabbles for the most part. The pacifist. We all wondered where he got it from since neither of our parents are like that.

"Tell me a little about this match you have...your facing the world heavyweight champion but not for a title?"

"No, not for a title. I guess I pissed the man off and now he wants his revenge....cuz you know I'm so dastardly. Really I'm not worried about this match at all and you know why? Cuz he's got the IQ of a bullfrog."

"You don't need to be smart to be in this business Jus...."

Which was very true. There were plenty of empty headed fools that had gotten an advantage over me during my hears of high school and college wrestling. But yet I always managed to outsmart them and get a win.

"True. But when your smart and talented you know how to wait for the right opportunity. He tries to hide it but he's mad that I got him when he wasn't paying attention to me. He really thought that Blaze's spear knocked me out. That's called Acting...something he tries to do and it all comes crashing down the moment he opens his mouth and gibber jabber emerges instead of real language. It's a matter of knowing when I have the advantage and using it. He just goes out there and fights. He thinks he's so good that he doesn't have to prepare mentally for a match against someone he considers beneath him. He probably thinks that going to a gym is the most he has to do. And that's fine. He can do whatever the hell he thinks he has to, to try and win against me but in the end Jake, I always win. One way or another."

"You mean by cheating..."

"I said one way or another. I don't try and hide the fact that I'm not a nice person. If Electra knew the things I'd dug up on Drake Hunter or even Adian Caine she wouldn't still have mixed feelings about me. She'd fucking hate me....however....I don't hate Caine so I won't go that far...yet. People don't realize that I hold every single roster member by the balls. I can find out anything I want. I find it very amusing that Trey didn't know his wife was almost 6 months pregnant....he must have not been home in a very long time if that's the case....and also that he says he wasn't cheating and that when he left the hotel he didn't leave a note that said "something came back soon" and who leaves a shower running? Just little things that ignoramus overlooked. But it doesn't matter. After tomorrow night I will be done messing with Baxter. His life is so typical and boring that I had a hard time staying awake when I was digging up info on him."

"Does he really have a kid?"

"No. His wife and CHILD died that night. I wouldn't wish death on anybody, I'm not that big of an asshole. Am I sorry that I brought it up and used it against him? Hell no. Not my fault that he made it so easy and the fact that he didn't believe it is just absolute bullshit and he's trying to cover up his vulnerability. Especially when I gave his manager fake info about his 'son' and he was frantic about the fact that he missed out on 8 years. If I gave that dude any words of advice it would be to not let your true emotions show anywhere or in any just makes it easier to for others to use against you...hence why I don't get angry...I get even."

"You know your going to hell right?" Jake said with a laugh

"Yup, but I'm going there my way. I could easily get on a camera and show my anger. I could come up with every lame and stupid comeback I can think of but all I'm doing is playing right into his hands. All Promo's are good for is pandering to a crowd of useless slobbering fans....most of which don't like me anyway so what good is it going to do in the long way. Fans do not determine if you win....he has to learn that sooner or later those fans are going to turn their back on him. I don't play against my he does. He thinks he's a good guy but I know his deep dark secretes. I know that he wants to be just a big a bastard as I am. And he says I'm jealous of him...I think he's got his wires crossed on that one."

"Well I guess you know what your doing. I haven't wrestled in years. I've been watching both of you since you started. I was shocked to see Jeremy here though...he was adamant that he was done with this business...."

"Yeah I haven't talked to him since he came here. He seems to just be playing Adams' lap dog which in reality I don't care what he does. He can do whatever he wants. I have a feeling it's a way to keep an eye on us without getting as involved as he used to be. He's never going to stop being the oldest brother. I know him and Blissy were trying to workout their issues but it's going to take a lot more than him moving to Vegas to do that. She's still pretty pissed and he's still pretty angry himself."

"I couldn't help but be a little proud of her for orchestrating that whole kidnapping thing..."

I laughed.

"I helped a little." I held up my fingers in a pinch symbol.

"Why am I not surprised."

"It didn't exactly work out the way it was supposed to. I didn't expect Jer to quit and then Bliss was feeling bitter about not getting her big finish and she up and quit too. I think she learned her lesson though...she's just not that type of Fischer to do big schemes."

"And you are?"

"Brother you have no idea."

We spent the next few minutes talking about sports, latest movie releases, even his job in the tropics where he preceded to tell me about his house right on the beach. It was after that, that he asked about the two bane's of my existence right now...and not that I couldn't get rid of them but they were like flys. You could try and swat them, even hit them a few times but yet their resilience to the plastic slapper was somehow super human.

"So what exactly is going on with this Fisherman guy and his girlfriend? Why does he grate on your nerves so much?"

Was it that obvious that I wanted to destroy both of them?

"Well, a guy comes on a show, chooses the name Fisherman when there is already someone named Fischer and then starts with this whole stupid gimmick about fishing. And wouldn't you know, I start getting compared to him. I am not like anybody else in this business. I didn't have to change my name and pick a stupid entrance song to make myself feel important. As for his 'girlfriend' she's not actually with him. She wants to be but he's not interested in making it official....although there is this dude that follows her around like a little puppy dog and she doesn't even notice."

"You pick on her for a weight issue she had as a kid...don't you think that's not only low but scraping the bottom of the barrel in way of insults?"

"I use what works. That past issue still bothers her and I know that it's because she was fat because of an abusive older sister. It's a typical addiction. She ate when Jessica made fun of her and then she got progressively bigger. I haven't gone as far as to find out how she ACTUALLY lost all that weight. There's no need. As long as the weight and her sister bother her so much that I have all the fodder I need....for now. If your wondering why I pick on her especially it's because she's the real brains in that power couple. Fisherman seems to get a few snappy comebacks in here and there but mostly she tries to make herself look righteous and it doesn't make her look like the brightest Crayon in the box. I don't let anybody get away with insulting me without retaliation. There are others that I will deal with in due time but there's no point in acknowledging them at this moment."

"Well you know I don't agree with your methods but I'm there for you because your my brother."

"I'm not one of the good guys. I never have been and I never will. But I'm also not stupid."

"Yeah, yeah everybody knows about your near genius IQ Jus, stop bragging about it already." He laughed. "You know I'm not far off from you and neither is Bliss. Sometimes I think you two are too smart for your own good."

I shrugged.

"I am who I am. I'll give you a ride back to your hotel."

I left the money and a tip for the hot bartender, making sure to leave a card with my number on it. I wink at her as we get up and she smiles. oh yeah...that will be mine.

I'd taken Jake over to his hotel earlier to check in and drop off his bag. He was staying in a decent hotel that his work had paid for. He said tomorrow was his big conference meeting and then he was meeting Bliss for dinner. He hadn't been able to get a hold of Jeremy...I wasn't surprised. I had no idea where hew as staying. He was probably still talking to Bliss though. I stopped the bike in front of the place and he hopped off and handed me back my helmet.

"Just don't get in too deep Jus. Don't do anything you can't get yourself out of."

"I never do. Take care Jake." I gave him a hug before sticking the helmet on my own head and taking off back to my apartment.

There was something important that Jake was missing about all of this. He thought I was being stupid but I always thought 2 steps ahead with everything I did. My mind was always working on ways to make sure I always had a way out. Trey Baxter was not that kind of person. If he wasn't too busy talking about what he'd done in the past he was thinking about the immediate, he didn't think he had to worry about the future. What I did was called an Exit strategy. I smiled to myself as I stopped at a red light. I think I had just found a name for the thing I'd been working on with Blaze. But it still had lots of work before I could unveil it to the MPW universe.

Win or lose on Monday, I would get something out of it. Winning the match wasn't as important as making sure Baxter knew he wasn't messing with some light weight. He was going to feel everything I did to him. He could setup interview after interview where he desperately tried to prove that he was the best thing to come past the doors of MPW. He could cling to that title, he could come up with corny sayings and repeat himself over and over again and it would not do a thing for him in the end. It was also hilarious that he tried so hard to grab at the strings that I left for him and he couldn't' even do that. What kind of moron can't even use the tidbits I leave sitting right out in the open. I asked him to shock me and frankly I wasn't even close to it. I was just bored. Just because you hold a belt around your waist as prestigious the heavy weight, doesn't make you the best in the world. Like I said, it makes you lucky and that's all. Deny it all you want, doesn't make it un-true. I'm not as gullible as some people here to fall for your stupid attempt at a mind game.

Here's the big question of the day. If what I did, had absolutely no effect on you then why are you so insistent on beating me on Monday? If I really were as insignificant as you claim to be then you would simply move on and brush me off. So without having to do anything I've proven yet another one of your weaknesses. You can't let shit go. Which is fine. I don't care what your insecurities are. I don't care that you cheated on your wife. I don't even care that your a heartless bastard that could just "get over" your wife and child dying in a horrible accident. How can you just forget about that....I may be the biggest dick to ever live but if did fall in love and marry a girl...I for sure would not treat her with that much dishonour if she were to die. You don't just get over the death of a loved one. Ask Adian Caine. Ask Electra Stevens.

Don't lie to your beloved fans and say that you don't care. Own up and be an actual man. And why I'm going to win. If anybody is a coward, it's you my 'friend'. I at least admit what I am. Stop hiding behind a piece of metal and leather.