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Roleplay Title:Cami Who?
Accomplishments: None
Next Match:Hardcore NO DQ w/Varsity vs. New Gen Superstars
April 24, 2013

Cami exits the Pawn shop with a small smile on her face. She'd just gotten rid of something that was supposed to have meaning but she felt nothing. All she could think about was the extra $300 in her purse.

Her thoughts were thinking about new clothes when her phone went off with a text.

:GGrif: Are you still going to come by today? You still haven't seen the gym

Cami: Shit.

She quickly texts back a simple, 'ya' and dumps the phone into her purse, hating how complicated it seems to be able to use. Anyone who knew her would think this was strange since she was quick on it.

She hails a taxi, something that was also strange considering that she had a car sitting back in the parking garage of the building she shared with her best friend Emi.

In no time she's in front of 'BEAT-U'. She gets out, tips the driver with a 5 dollar bill and a devious smile before standing in front of it for a few minutes. She shakes her head, rolls her eyes and walks in.

the first person she notices is a rather large man, with longish white hair who is directing people with boxes. A ring is set up in the middle of the large room ad off to one side are various machines and weights. The large man notices her back and walks over. He nods at her.

Cami: Well're very big....

A slight smirk crosses his lips but before he can respond a shout is heard across the gym.

Gabe: Cam!

He almost runs over to her and Cami plasters a fake smile on her face. He envelopes her in a tight hug and the big man walks away, going back to getting the last few things organized. Gabe releases her and smiles, holding her in one arm while sweeping the other across the room.

Gabe: So...what do you think? I know you were probably tired of me just talking about this in so many of our it's finally a reality.

Cami shrugs.

Cami: It's...nice...

Gabe frowns. He seems to be able pick up that something is wrong.

Gabe: Something wrong? Come into my office we can talk there.

She follows him in and he shuts the door. As soon as it's closes she throws herself into his arms, locking his lips into a kiss. At first it seems that he's responding before he gently pushing her off and away. Cami's face then takes on a look of anger as Gabe moves away behind the desk.

Cami: What's wrong? I thought you wanted that?

He shakes his head.

Gabe: No. Not like this. I don't want to be a rebound. You are obviously upset and conflicted about your break up with Kuk...

She cuts him off.

Cami: On the contrary, I am not upset at all. I don't even know what I was thinking considering that you were always right there under my nose.

She smirks and starts to walk back toward him slowly.

Cami: I've been stupid to not see it. I should have been with you not him.

Gabe: You don't know what you're saying Cami. I really think you just need to take some time and get over this. he was your first love...and he broke your heart. I think I understand why you'd just do a total 180. Sometimes it's easier to push away the feelings rather than dealing with them but it's not healthy and if there is something between us, I don't want it to just be because of your break up. I want it to be because we're both clear headed.

Cami looks angry again. Something that Gabe was confused about. Cami rarely got angry. In fact these last two weeks is the angriest he'd ever seen her. After her big fight with Kuk she'd been angry but mostly teary eyed, but this new Cami...

Cami: You're really going to reject me?

He takes a big sigh.

Gabe: It's not rejection Cami. Like I told you last week after my match. I don't want to rush anything between us because I don't want to regret it.

Cami put both hands down hard on the desk, making Gabe jump a bit in surprise.

Cami: It's Emi isn't it. You like her better...

Gabe: No. She's a friend but...

Cami: I get it. Don't worry. You and your new little girlfriend will be just fine. Far be it from me to interrupt on your little love affair.

She flips her hair and within seconds she's out the door. Gabe stands and runs after her but she's already left the gym by the time he's gathered his wits.

Cami smiles to herself as she gets into another cab, just as Gabe pokes himself out the door. She picks up different phone from earlier from her bag. A slightly older model Blackberry and dials a number. She puts it to her ear and smiles when someone picks up.

Cami: Hi baby.....yes everything is going the way I want....he's a little difficult to manipulate. A lot harder than I thought but don't worry...I will get him.

She frowns while twirling a strand of her hair.

Cami: Oh don't get jealous boo, its just know that I'm all yours.

She smiles.

Cami: Oh, I'm on my way to your place now.

She hangs up and drops that phone into her bag as well. that same slow devious smile from earlier spreads across her face.


Tim Bowers catches Cami turning a corner and runs after her. He'd purposely set himself up at headquarters a couple days before Ruthless Aggression just because he wanted to get a few interviews in before everyone left. he chases after her.

Bowers: Cami....Cami....

She finally looks behind her and stops.

Bowers: Cami.

He's a little out of breath.

Cami: What do you want?

Bowers: You've never really given an interview here. there was the one time when you debuted and lost to Jason X but...

She cuts him off.

Cami: What a good start to asking me for an bringing up her...I mean my first loss here.

Bowers: Come on. Just a few words?

Cami puts her hands on her waist and rolls her eyes.

Cami: Ok, fine. Make it quick though. I have stuff to do.

Bowers: Ok, well can you explain what happened last week? The break up with Kuk Killswitch, the person that gored you into a wall...

Cami: The breakup was enviable. We just aren't good for each other. He wants to go around claiming I was cheating on him well here's the truth...I was! He's a lousy lover and an even worse boyfriend. All I ever heard was him complain about Gabe and my friends. Frankly it was getting tiresome so if he hadn't of ended it I probably would have anyway. I have been seeing someone and he's far better and far more experienced and he can satisfy me in ways that Kuk could never even imagine.

Bowers looks a little uncomfortable.

Cami: As for being attacked? Some security guard was lured into a trap and got knocked out. That crazy fan was able to get herself into the arena and gored me. She dragged me away but I was playing it up, getting her into a false sense of security before I whacked she's with the proper authorities.

Bowers: Well I guess that's...good....Now tell me about this new attitude you've adopted...

Cami smiles, slightly leaning her head to the side and pursing her lips.

Cami: This isn't really all that new, it's just me, tired of being some naive little girl that gets walked on by people. I'm not going to sit around and let others have what I should have. I should be in line for title shots. I should be the one fighting for a number one contender shot, not those asswipes. I'm not playing second fiddle any more.

Bowers: That being said, tell me about your opponents this week, the New Generation Superstars...

Cami: HA! Losers. They band together to try and fix what they think is a problem around here but really, everything is the way it should be when it comes to them. There's a reason why they are all bottom tier and once they recognize that, then we'll all better for it. They're just eating up resources that are better spent on worthwhile talent.

Bowers: Like the Varsity?

Cami: The who?

Bowers looks confused.

Bowers: Your stable...

Cami: Right... well ya... them but more importantly me. I have been undervalued and I'm not going to sit around and take it. Brandon, That red-headed stepchild, the Mexican wannabe and some bleach blonde 'roid freak are no match for me and my...friends.

Bowers: Well I guess we can look forward to this new Cami going forward...

Cami smirks

Cami: Damn straight. I'm not going to just sit behind the scenes anymore. Emi, Gabe...even Myra and Angel have all had their chances to shine but where have I been? Sitting at home watching them get the lime light. I'm done being a little follower. I'm done watching other people get what I deserve. What should have been mine. She will pay. She'll feel my pain and suffering.

With that she walks away and Bowers looks confused.

Bowers: Who are you talking about?